Select Services offer conventional bed bug treatment and fumigation services to rid any home, hotel, business, and mattress of ALL bed bugs.

Are bed bugs sleeping in your bed?
Bed bugs have brown to reddish-brown body color and are oval-shaped. They prefer warm environments such as nearby or inside of bed box spring, clothing, drapery, carpets, baseboards, or behind electrical outlets. They also hide in the seams and folds of your suitcase, bags or purses.
Although bed bugs are small, they are visible to the naked eye. They can hide in clothing, purses, or even paper bags. Always inspect your hotel room for signs of bed bugs before you set your belongings down to prevent bringing these parasites home. These pests can be especially problematic for large businesses like resorts, hotels, casinos, apartment complexes, and hospitals. We are ready to help with any residential or commercial property.
- Since the early 2000’s Bed Bugs infestations have been on the rise in the United States.
- Bed bugs feed on blood of humans and sometimes on hosts such as cats or dogs.
- They tend to be mostly active at night but can feed at any time of the day.
- Do not discriminate between clean or dirty homes or rooms.

If you suspect you have bed bugs, contact Select Services immediately.
We will be happy to provide you with an individualized treatment plan to get rid of bed bugs in your home or commercial property. We will guide you through the entire treatment process from start to finish.
QUICK CONTACT • Opening Hours : Mon to Fri - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Call us. 702-566-2877 or 702-479-3019
E-mail. [email protected]